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Working Papers in Early English Lexicology and Lexicography (WPEELEX)
ISSN 2341-5096
Working Papers in Early English Lexicology and Lexicography (WPEELEX) is a publication of the Nerthus Project (Grupo de Investigación de Gramáticas Funcionales, Universidad de La Rioja) that features research documents used at the different steps of the project as well as original contributions that reflect a variety of perspectives on the lexicology and lexicography of Old English and Middle English. The series is intended to provide a forum for work in progress by scholars specializing in the lexicon and dictionaries of Early English. From Number 4 onwards, WPEELEX is a peer-reviewed journal. It is a free-access online publication delivered in PDF format and published yearly.
The working papers are available online through the links below.
WPEELEX 7 (2017): Parallel Corpus Old English-English. The master lemma list (in preparation).
WPEELEX 8 (2018): The attested inflectional forms of Old English adjectives (in preparation).
WPEELEX 8 (2019): The attested inflectional forms of Old English nouns (in preparation).
WPEELEX 8 (2020): ParCorOEv2 1: BOET (in preparation).
WPEELEX 8 (2021): ParCorOEv2 2: HERB and LACN (in preparation).
WPEELEX 8 (2022): ParCorOEv2 3: LEEC (in preparation).
WPEELEX 8 (2023): ParCorOEv2 4: MARK (in preparation).
WPEELEX 8 (2024): ParCorOEv2 5: MART (in preparation).
WPEELEX 8 (2025): ParCorOEv2 6: OROS (in preparation).
Ana Elvira Ojanguren López (Universidad de La Rioja)
Assistant Editor
Miguel Lacalle Palacios (Universidad de La Rioja).
Editorial Board
Javier Calle Martín (Universidad de Málaga)
Jan Čermák (Univerzity Karlovy v Praze)
Luisa García García (Universidad de Sevilla)
Ans van Kemenade (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
Gabriella Mazzon (Universität Innsbruck)
Rafał Molencki (Uniwersytet Śląski)
Ruth Möhlig-Falke (Universität Heidelberg)
Jerzy Norbert Nykiel (Universitetet i Bergen)
Juan Gabriel Vázquez González (Universidad de Huelva)How to cite
Please use the following format to cite the working papers:
Author. Year. Title. Working Papers in Early English Lexicology and Lexicography. Nerthus Project. University of La Rioja.
Instructions for authors
- Papers should be emailed to wpeelex@unirioja.es as a .docx AND a .pdf attachment.
- By submitting authors acknowledge that their paper has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- All copyright remains with the authors of the individual papers.
- Maximum length, including notes and references, is 7,500 words.
- A 200-word abstract summarising the content of the paper should be added after the title.
- The accompanying email message must include the author's full name and contact details, as well as a short biographical note.
Proposals for monographic issues are welcome. Contact the Editor.
The text should be: single-spaced; in Times New Roman 12-point font; with italics, rather than underlining, for emphasis; illustrations, figures, and tables within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
In the text, references should be given as follows:
- This is a controversial aspect in the literature (Queen 1986).
- Queen (1986) disagrees with this approach.
- Queen (1986) remarks that the traditional approach is questionable (1986: 45).
At the end of the text there should be a list of all the references cited in the paper, whether they are books, book chapters or articles or reviews in journals. These should be in Times New Roman 12 point and displayed respectively as shown below:
- Brinton, L. & E. Closs Traugott. 2005. Lexicalization and Language Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bauer, L. 2004. The borderline between derivation and compounding. In Dressler, W., D. Kastovsky, O. Pfeiffer & F. Rainer (eds.), Morphology and its Demarcations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 97-108.
- García García, L. 2012. Morphological causatives in Old English: the quest for a vanishing formation. Transactions of the Philological Society 110 (1): 112-148.
- Guerrero Medina, P. 2010. Review of Butler, C., R. Hidalgo Downing & J. Lavid (eds.) Functional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse. In honour of Angela Downing. Functions of Language 17.1: 101-112.

About us
RGFGs, Nerthus Project
Department of Modern Languages, University of
La Rioja.
Nerthus Project - Universidad de La Rioja © 2024