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- Nerthusv5 database
- Nerthusv5 database
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- Nerthusv5 database
ParCorOEv3: Corpus description
The 2023 release of An open access annotated parallel corpus Old English-English (ParCorOEv3) comprises 303,342 records corresponding to the following prose texts: ÆHOM (37,135 records), APOL (6,579), ASCA (15,602), ASCE (25,431), BERU (20,376), BOET (23,972), CHAR (25,887), HERB (10,863), LACN (8,901), LAWS (25,016), LEEC (11,883), MARK (12,031), MART (24,355), OROS (27,874), QUAD (4,337), SOLI (15,535) and WILL (7,565). Each record displays one token (an inflectional form) and its tagging (file number, lemma, lexical category, inflectional category and gloss). Each token is provided with a concordance showing the prefield and the postfield of the concorded term, with the translation of the fragment into English and with the sources of the Old English and the Present-Day English texts. The parallel texts are aligned attext, fragment, sentence and word levels. ParCorOEv3 is fully searchable and is distributed in open access. It has been implemented in Filemaker database software and published with Filemaker WebDirect. For more information, see corpus methodology and the manuals.

About us
RGFGs, Nerthus Project
Department of Modern Languages, University of
La Rioja.
Nerthus Project - Universidad de La Rioja © 2024