- Nerthusv5 database
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- Nerthusv5 database
- Nerthusv5 database
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- Nerthusv5 database
Version history
- Martín Arista, J. (ed.), L. Caballero González, E. González Torres, A. Ibáñez Moreno and R. Torre Alonso. 2009. NerthusV2. An Online Lexical Database of Old English. Nerthus Project. Universidad de La Rioja. [www.nerthusproject.com]. This version of the database provided an analysis of the word-formation of Old English, including affixation, compounding and zero-derivation. From v2 onwards, Nerthus is a fully searchable online database published in open access.
- Martín Arista, J. (ed.), L. García Fernández, M. Lacalle Palacios, A. E. Ojanguren López, and E. Ruiz Narbona. 2016. NerthusV3. An Online Lexical Database of Old English. Nerthus Project. Universidad de La Rioja. [www.nerthusproject.com]. This version of the database provided a paradigmatic analysis of the morphology of Old English, including formally transparent and opaque morphological processes.
- Version V4 was not published as it was a transition stage that incorporated the innovations published along with version V5.
- What´s new in version V5: This version incorporates the dictionary interface, which allows users to compare the current dictionaries of Old English; the attested inflectional forms obtained through morphological generation, which include all the inflective lexical classes; the references to the headword in secondary sources; and the citations from ParCorOEv3, provided for all the headwords represented in the parallel corpus.

About us
RGFGs, Nerthus Project
Department of Modern Languages, University of
La Rioja.
Nerthus Project - Universidad de La Rioja © 2024